Saturday, November 8, 2008

The Beginning

Just two days ago, I left Jupiter, Florida after a whirlwind week of knocking on doors, coordinating rides to polls, being inspired by Barack Obama and the people he in turn inspires, and sleeping very little. I now look forward to my trip today down to Tacna, Peru. It's suitably long and includes an overnight stay at the Lima airport - all of which I feel is a legitimate and needed passage that will really force me to realize that this is finally happening as well as give me a mental transition from life as it has been to the upcoming future.

I will especially try to keep this updated and with my many new experiences and adventures in the early-going, as it will be an exciting and hectic time. But for the general time frame for the next few weeks, it will work like this: get there early in the morning (if the state of emergency declared in the province doesn't shut down the airport:, have some chocolate chip pancakes with the volunteers already down there, get some real sleep, eventually move into a homestay for the rest of the school year (which goes until mid-December) , visit my school and the other schools, do some practice teaching, and enjoy the December holidays.

For now though, wish me good luck on my flights - and my next post will be from Tacna, Peru:


Camila said...

Hey Gabs,

We are thinking of you. We love you! Take care of yourself,
Camila, Kira, Tom and Paula

carlos amaya said...

Hi Gariel!!!!!

Suerte en este nuevo trabajo, esperamos noticias de la llegada!!!
Anna Maria

Camila said...


We hope you are settling in and getting used to life down there! It is cold and raining here.
Love from Camila, Kira, Paula and Tom.

carlos amaya said...

Hola Gabriel:
Esperamos pases un dia muy agradable !!!!!
Take care
Anna Maria