Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

From Lima I wish you all a good holiday season.

I am finally feeling like I am on vacation as my mom and I have travelled to Arica and Lima post-Christmas and enjoyed the beach and the big city. Yesterday, while my mom was resting I just walked around a bit in Lima and all the people and life and energy reminded me how much I love big cities.

Of course, for all their good points, there are also the negatives. As we walked across the river from the center and into an area called Rimac, we were actually approached by a police officer who asked us if we were American and then told us that it was too dangerous to continue walking in that area and we should turn around. Imagine that happening in any American city! Then later, I took my mom back to the area that I had been walking around by myself because it was so full of energy and life (and good street food like choclo con queso - corn with cheese - and papa rellena - stuffed potato), and we suffered the consequences. As we were just walking down the street, someone came up from behind my mom and just grabbed her earings out of her ears and ran off with them. Not too much to do, and my mom handled it well, but it definitely clued us both in to the fact that we need to pay more attention.

We also walked around the center a lot, saw an interesting display of nacimientos in the national palace, bought a whole bunch of odds and ends as gifts for the states, and took a ride at night up to the giant cross on the sand dune right near the center. It was quite stunning to look out over all of Lima, and there was definitely a sense of peace and order on seeing it from so high up. But try to imagine a city of 9 million (bigger than New York), but not build vertically at all. Lima is just a sprawling, giant metropolis. And I think for that reason I really love it.

So, plans from here are to say goodbye to my mom tomorrow and fly back to Tacna to rest up before jumping in to Mes de Mision in Ite (if you can read Spanish: es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Distrito_de_Ite). Hope everyone is enjoying the mid winter´s rest and the cold wintry weather!


Unknown said...


Have so enjoyed your postings this year. So often as you write, I see the scenes in my mind, remembering our trip to Peru in 2005.

I am glad that your mom was able to visit you. I know that she was looking forward to being with you and seeing where you are. She is quite a lady, eh?

Be well in this coming year. You are growing in ways that show and others that will only become evident as you reflect in years to come. How wise to follow the Spirit's leading!

Have a great 2010!
Love, Rosey (and Leon)

Unknown said...

Happy New Year Gabe! Hope all is well down south. :)

Had lunch w/Skoren and Will on Sunday. Will is moving to Tokyo in February.

When are you coming back?

Hope all is well!